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black scoter

См. также в других словарях:

  • Black Scoter — Adult male Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • black scoter — juodoji antis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Melanitta nigra angl. black scoter vok. Trauerente, f rus. синьга, f pranc. macreuse noire, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – nuodėgulės …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

  • black scoter — noun : a common European scoter (Oidemia nigra) having the adult male completely black and the female and young birds largely dark brown above and mottled brown and white below * * * a scoter of Eurasia and North America, Melanitta nigra, the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • black scoter — a scoter of Eurasia and North America, Melanitta nigra, the adult male of which is black. * * * …   Universalium

  • Scoter — Sco ter, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus {Oidemia}. [1913 Webster] Note: The European scoters are {Oidemia nigra}, called also {black duck}, {black diver}, {surf duck};… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black coot — Scoter Sco ter, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus {Oidemia}. [1913 Webster] Note: The European scoters are {Oidemia nigra}, called also {black duck}, {black diver}, {surf… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black diver — Scoter Sco ter, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus {Oidemia}. [1913 Webster] Note: The European scoters are {Oidemia nigra}, called also {black duck}, {black diver}, {surf… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • black duck — Scoter Sco ter, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus {Oidemia}. [1913 Webster] Note: The European scoters are {Oidemia nigra}, called also {black duck}, {black diver}, {surf… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • scoter — /skoh teuhr/, n., pl. scoters, (esp. collectively) scoter. any of the large diving ducks of the genus Melanitta, inhabiting northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Also, scooter. [1665 75; orig. uncert.] * * * or sea coot Any of three species… …   Universalium

  • black duck — noun a dusky duck of northeastern United States and Canada • Syn: ↑Anas rubripes • Hypernyms: ↑duck • Member Holonyms: ↑Anas, ↑genus Anas * * * noun : any of various ducks that are predominantly black …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scoter — For U.S. Navy ships named Scoter, see USS Scoter. Scoters Adult male White winged Scoter (Melanitta deglandi) Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

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